​Presenting the first three recipients in the New Brunswick/Prince Edward Island region of the Lifetime Achievement Award. They all live under the same roof! Bailey earned hers on September 5, 2010 handled by Jeri Piercy. Toffee earned hers on June 18, 2011 handled by Erin Piercy. Newman earned his on October 20, 2012 handled by Jeri Piercy. The requirement for this award is to earn 100 Master Standard qualifying runs as well as 125 Master Games qualifying runs. The games can be comprised of any combination of Jumpers, Gamblers, Snooker, Steeplechase, Challenge, or Team Relay.
We are proud of our instructors for achieving this milestone.

Sophie received her lifetime in August 2019 at FAST trial and then retired at same trial just weeks before her 16th birthday. In her lifetime she competed across Canada in 6 Nationals placing top 10 in her height division including at age 15 placing 7 in Montreal in 2019 for her retirement Nationals. She competed in 7 Regionals in SK and NB, qualifying every year until her retirement in 2019. Sophie received her first every Q at Kapers in August 2008 – Starters Standard under Dan Yielding. Sophie retired with 100 Master Standard runs and 236 game Q.