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Countdown until our next trial:

Our next trial is scheduled for September 6-8, 2024. Download the premium here.


You can find a list of trials in Atlantic Canada for 2024 here:


The K9 Kapers host two agility trials each season, one in June, and one in September. Dog and handler teams from around the Maritimes test their skills against courses designed by the trial judge. Any team who has trained in agility and has a Dog ID card for the Agility Association of Canada can enter the trials hosted by the K9 Kapers. There are a few different types of games that you’ll see the teams competing in – Standard, Jumper, Gamble, Snooker, and Steeplechase are among the most popular. Obstacles include jumps, tunnels, weave poles, tire, table, a-frame, dog walk, and teeter totter.


If you’re interested in the sport of agility, come check out our upcoming trial. We start at 8am on Saturday and Sunday, and go until about 3 or 4pm each day. If you choose to bring your dog to an agility trial, please keep them on a short leash, under control at all times, and away from all other dogs. Chat to some of the teams after they’ve completed their turn in the ring, they’ll be happy to tell you all about the sport and how to get started.  

© 2022 Pye K9 Kapers Agility Club

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